17.09.2014 12:09
Просмотров всего: 6212; сегодня: 1.

Plant Kupol will present models of the Tor family at exhibition Africa Aerospace and Defense 2014

Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol, JSC will present models of the latest air defense missile systems of the Tor family at international exhibition Africa Aerospace and Defense 2014, Pretoria. It is the first time our company presents full spectrum of Air Defense facilities of ADM system Tor at the main exhibition area of South Africa.

The 8th International exhibition of aerospace and defense industry is held biannually. Exhibitors from 26 countries took part in the exhibition in 2012, they presented modern technologies, equipment, special transport vehicles for all streams of defense industry and civil aviation.

JSC IEMP Kupol will take part in the exhibition for the first time and will present models of the latest air defense missile systems (ADMS) Tor-M2E on tracked chassis, Tor-M2K on wheeled chassis and stationary modular version Tor-M2KM.

Short range ADM systems of Tor family are effective against all present air threats as low-flying, active maneuvering air targets, gliding and guided aerial bombs, cruise, guided and antiradar missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, aircrafts and helicopters. Systems have no counterparts among ADMS of this class. High level of automation allows tracking up to 48 targets and determining 10 main threats among them. In comparison with the previous version of ADMS (Tor-M1), number of guided missiles for simultaneous engagement of targets were increased from 2 to 4, also target acquisition range (from 25 to 32 km) and killing zone (from 12 to 15 km) were increased for more than a quarter.

ADMS of Tor family are easy to be integrated into modern air defense systems, maintaining the capability to operate independently. As a member of new generation of short range air defense facilities, the system features high efficiency against modern air threats mass attacks in counter-fire and radio electronic countermeasures environment.

Independent combat module Tor-M2KM - is the latest development with high reliability and efficiency. The system is equipped with modern computing facilities and radars. Combat characteristics are totally equal to ADM systems Tor-M2E and Tor-M2K. Furthermore there is a possibility to mount the modular version on roofs of buildings and constructions, on difficult-to- access areas, on trailers and semitrailers, on railway platforms and even on low-tonnage vessels which can carry a load of more than 20 tonnes. Configuration of the module allows transportation on external load of the helicopter МИ-26Т and its analogs. ADMS Tor-M2KM is capable to be mounted on any chassis with sufficient load capacity, conforming in this way to any wishes of possible customer.

Ньюсмейкер: Ижевский электромеханический завод Купол — 40 публикаций


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